“Keep Two Feet In One Shoe…” What does that mean? Find out as you navigate timeless wisdom of love, loss, and blessings with real life stories. Open your heart and fill it with love like never before!

About The Book…by Ida Sukalo

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Notes from the Heart


I am the oldest of the group, so I was able to experience my mom's wisdom a little more than the rest of my siblings. She not only was wise, but she was a very insightful, caring, loving and kind person to everyone she met. There is no one more capable of expressing her love than my sister Ida. Thank you for putting in the effort to bring the essence of our dear mom, Betty, into print where it can be enjoyed by all. Love, Marco

The many virtues taught by our mother live on as we continue to pass them down to our own children and grandchildren, such as her love of God, importance of family closeness and respect. Hearing Mom say, “Your friends will come and go, but your family is forever” will surely live on for generations to come. Love, Hugo

 A note about the author: OMG my sister Ida is an author! How cool is that! She is amazing. She has been married for over 51 years to her wonderful husband Paul. They have five beautiful children and eight grandchildren. Ida is a woman of conviction. She had a big goal and has attained it. I could go on and on about this woman that I love so much. Our mother was amazing, and Ida has given the gift of our mom to everyone that reads this book. Love, Maria

 I can just hear my precious momma's voice telling Ida how wonderful her labor of love turned out and against all odds as she is fighting macular degeneration. Every sentence, every stroke of the keyboard and research done has been that much more difficult for Ida. Ida had the very best of our mother, and they were best friends and confidants, as well as mother and daughter. I thank God every day for the mother He gave us who was so wise, and I thank God for the second mother our mother gave me, my sister Ida. You will laugh and you will cry as you read Ida's words from the heart. She produced a great labor of love that honors our mother and memorializes so many of the lessons she has taught us. Love, Betty

 My mom was the wisest woman I have ever known and to be able to have her wisdom in print for my children, grandchildren and future generations is a treasure beyond words. Ida has always been my second mom so I could not be prouder and more excited to see her bring mommy’s words to life in such a beautifully written heartfelt collection.

Love, Lisa

 This book is a legacy to our family. Thank you to my dear sister, Ida, for memorializing the wisdom of our incredible mother. As the youngest of the 10 children, I have always been grateful to Ida for acting as a second mother to us and for being so much like mommy by continuing to be an example of how mommy would love and live. Through this book Ida has enabled us to be forever reminded of everything mom taught us with faith, love and respect being her guiding principles. Love Debbie





Our Beautiful Family from left to right: Sonny, Cassius, Michael, Lizzy, Paul, Buddy, Ida, Alyssa, Sammy, Jian, Mark, Idie, Nicole, Lizzy and Sebastian

The Woman Behind The Wisdom

Peek into the life of an extraordinary woman with extraordinary wisdom that should be shared with the world. There is a nugget of wisdom for anyone who is willing to listen and learn. Today’s world is seeking this timeless wisdom. Share it with everyone you know!